Accelerate your career and unleash your full potential

Learn how to build your dream career and transform your life in just 8 days without overwhelm or disrupting your schedule.

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Build a career that excites you

This course is purpose built to show you the path to a career you're proud of.

Bite-sized content

Learn how to take control of your career in engaging, bite-sized videos.

Actionable advice

Get actionable advice on how to take control of your career, not lofty unimplementable ideas.

Designed to be finished

Complete one lesson per day and finish the whole course in one week.

Who is this for?

  • Are you sick of your current job and the feeling of being emotionally drained by your work?

  • Are you longing for something more meaningful but just can't figure out how to make it your reality?

  • Do you want to have a career you're proud of that is full of meaningful impact?

  • Do you want to wake up every morning excited about what you'll accomplish that day?

  • Do you want to be surrounded by people who genuinely care about you?

If you can relate to any of these, I want you to know that a career you love is possible and within your reach.

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What you'll learn

How to derive a greater sense of meaning from work

Discover why passion and dedication are more than just feel-good concepts; they can lead to tangible benefits in your career and happiness.

The importance of building lasting relationships at work

The connections we forge are the heart of what makes work truly meaningful. Learn about the impact of meaningful relationships at work. By the end, you'll not only understand why getting to know your coworkers on a deeper level can change your work experience, but you'll know how to bring more heart into your work!

How to care about your work

Ever felt like your tasks seem mundane or disconnected from the big picture? Learn the power of three proven transformative techniques to help you see your work in a new light and reconnect with its broader impact. By the end, you'll be closer to crafting a work life that doesn't just pay the bills, but resonates with your core values.

How to be extraordinary at work

Dive into the two paramount skills that can take you from ordinary to absolutely extraordinary. Learn the personal revelation that transformed my approach to work, and helped me take full control of my career path.

How to identify a positive workplace

We'll delve into the heart of what makes an environment truly enriching and, on the flip side, how to spot those red flags that signal it's time for a change. It's all about finding a space that not only recognizes your extraordinary potential, but actively nurtures it.

Raju Mandapati - Author of Be Extraordinary At Work

Why listen to me?

From my humble beginnings in India to my transformative experiences in the professional world, I've learnt that a truly fulfilling career is a key ingredient to a fulfilling life. And I created a fulfilling career that enriches me every single day.

I believe a fulfilling career – one where you're excited to start each day – is attainable for everyone. You deserve it as much as I do.

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100% Money Back Guarantee

If you don’t find the course valuable, reach out to me for a full refund (no questions asked) within 30 days. All I ask for is your feedback.


BONUS: How to Turn Your Mistakes Into Stepping Stones

In this bonus video, I dive into a topic we often avoid: career mistakes. They happen to all of us. Join me as I outline a practical approach to understanding, addressing, and learning from these missteps. It's all about turning setbacks into stepping stones.

BONUS: How to Negotiate Raises

Ever pondered how to make your case for a well-deserved raise? In this bonus video, I share my story of navigating salary negotiations, backed by a data-driven approach. Uncover the art of understanding your value, nailing the timing, and preparing like a pro. It's not just about asking; it's about presenting your worth.

Start your journey to be extraordinary at work.

What you get:

  • Learn the single most important tool at your disposal to derive a greater sense of meaning from your work
  • Learn the power of The Law of Reciprocity and how you can use it to build lasting relationships at work
  • Learn the three time-tested techniques you can use to care about your work

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2 x $45

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Frequently asked questions

Will you teach me how to find a job?

No. This course is not designed to help you find a new job. But I will teach you how to identify a positive workplace and how to steer clear of toxic workplaces and managers. My goal is to show you that a fulfilling career is within your reach and to equip you with the mindset and the tools to make it a reality for you.

What do I need in order to get the most out of this course?

An open mind is the most important thing you'll need to get the most out of this course. I need you to believe that your future is in your two hands. A stable internet connection is also necessary 😊.

I already have 10 years of experience. Isn't it too late for me to create my dream career?

A fulfilling career is not a destination, it's a journey. Our careers are ever evolving. No matter where you are in your career right now or which industry you're working in, the mindset shift you'll achieve in this course is invaluable on your journey to becoming extraordinary and creating a career that enriches all areas of your life.

Isn't my career my manager's/employer's responsibility?

Absolutely not. I believe in individual empowerment and responsibility. Your future, including your career, is something only you can control. Yes, your manager / employer might influence it, but it is you who is in the driver's seat. Don't accept anything less.

What is your refund policy?

If you are unhappy with your purchase, just contact me within 30 days and I'll issue a full refund.

Where can I access my course?

After you purchase one of the plans, you will get an email with a link to access the course on Gumroad, our course platform. Or, you can access the course from the purchase confirmation page.

How long will this take for me to complete?

The course is comprised of 8 main videos + 2 bonus videos, each video anywhere between 2 mins and 6 mins. You can complete this course in a day, or over the weekend.

Start your journey to be extraordinary at work.

What you get:

  • Learn the single most important tool at your disposal to derive a greater sense of meaning from your work
  • Learn the power of The Law of Reciprocity and how you can use it to build lasting relationships at work
  • Learn the three time-tested techniques you can use to care about your work

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2 x $45

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